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I recently got the below request for models. As far as I can tell it's for a “stock footage” library, so even if the photographer is super-nice, you might find yourself being ridiculed in the end… But, if you're desperate for your fifteen minutes, here's the info:

Manarchy Films Inc, a commercial and print production company in Chicago, is looking for a few faces to photograph. Dennis Manarchy is a director and photographer and is currently looking to finish up a series he is doing for his personal portfolio. He is looking for someone with facial tattoos and/or facial surface implants, and/or a split/forked tongue. Anyone who would be willing to be photographed for a small stipend and prints of the work done, please email a photo and contact information to We would love to find someone in or around Chicago, but Dennis would be willing to travel to the right person. Check out some of his work at

I just got the following question IM'd to me:

I know you're busy with the website and other "real life" things but I suppose I just wanted to ask: why? I'm not really looking for a long drawn out interview but more possibly a few sentences on how you personally feel about the myths society holds against those modified and how you feel your website has helped spread knowledge about it. Why do you personally modify yourself? Do you believe most people just do it because it "looks good" or do you think most people do it for more spiritual reasons?

My narcissism demands that I share the answer publicly.

My personal reason, at its core, is that I like it. Perhaps even just that — nothing more, nothing less. With time, larger spiritual and cultural reasons have evolved for me, but the simple fact that I liked it, and that in some way "it's who I am", is why I first got started. I can't tell you a simple reason as to why I thought it would be a good idea to stretch my ears and pierce my genitals when I'd never met anyone else that had done so other than I liked it.

I can certainly give you a long list of things I've learned using it as a tool, but I'm sure there are many paths up the mountain. I just happen to like this one.

The question, I suppose, is whether "I like it" is an acceptable explanation. Personally, my feeling is that since it's not hurting anyone, it's perfectly valid, and we don't necessarily need to seek out anything more profound.

If people do it because they think it looks good, great! People should be encouraged to look good in whatever way suits them. If someone else finds it spiritual, I'll say the same thing: great! If it's a path of enlightenment for them, that's absolutely wonderful. In all these cases people are using body modification to enjoy themselves and to better themselves. I don't see how any rational person could see that as a problem.

As far as my role, if BME has helped someone be happier, or discover something about themselves, then I'm certainly very honored to have been given the privilege of acting as the catalyst.

I just finished watching the latest 411VM… It's sort of fun watching stuff that's produced using similar gear to what I'm using because I get to see how other people solve the same problems (or don't), and when I see glitches, it's nice to see that others hit the same tech walls as I do. They're certainly using the exact same cameras (I can see them), and at this point I can tell what filters are in use, as well as what mode the camera is set in because of subtleties of aliasing and interlacing issues.

Anyway, I made my first video menu today (as in the kind that moves). Usually I use still true-color menus, but video menus are just so much cooler so I thought I should teach myself to use them… Well, back to work for now.

Oh, and I just got the following phone call:

Me: Hello?
(long pause, indicating it's coming from a call center)
Them: Hello, is T. Dalvar there?
Me: I'm sorry, who are you calling for?
Them: T. Dalvar. That's all it says on my screen. I'm calling on behalf of…
Me: Do you know what the 'T' stands for?
Them: No, it just says 'T'.
Me: Well, I'm sorry, unless you tell me what the T stands for, I can't let you talk to them.

You'd at least expect that telemarketers know who they're calling!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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