Newsfeed Clarification

Since there seems to be some confusion, I thought I should clarify that the newsfeed submission tool is for BME as in Body Modification Ezine… It's not just a general link trader. The stories submitted should be explicitly about body modification, or I can't post them.

So far I've gotten quite a few links about birth control, cancer treatment, politics, new kinds of fuel technology, and so on… Also, please understand that once a story gets onto the AP and other wires, that it'll show up in a zillion papers. So if your story is a unique URL, but it doesn't get added, it might be that it's already on the site but via a different paper (I think I've had at least thirty variations on the “Do Not Rescucitate” tattoo story).

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's helping out on this. Tomorrow morning I'll write a little amendment to the tool so at the bottom of the newsfeed pages it'll display the current top three. Oh, and the “prizes” will get awarded probably on the 5th of every month (to allow for the dregs to get posted).

Finally, I tend to update the newsfeed once in the morning, and then once or twice over the day. So stories either get added or not in about a 12-24 hour window.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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