(Don't) give peace a chance!

Thanks to the Happy Birthday Rocket Queen for passing me this kooky link. To summarize, a guy goes to the mall with his son. One of the stores is selling a shirt with a sixties-style peace logo on it, and on the back it says “give peace a chance“. No picture of Bush, no terrorism reference, no Osama-Yo-Mama… just a peace sign. A simple and pure sentiment.

Anyway, he put on the shirt that he'd bought at the mall, and sat down in the food court to have lunch with his son. Security guards approached him.

"Sir, if you insist on wearing that shirt here, you're going to have to leave. We really can't tolerate this kind of violent protest here."

"But I just bought it at the store over there. It's just a peace sign, what's the problem?"

"Sir, if you don't leave we're going to have to call the police."

And call the police they did, who arrested the man for tresspassing and dragged him out in handcuffs. He now faces a year in prison, and seeing as they asked him to leave private property and he refused, it's really an open and shut case.

As Don King would put it, “only in America!”

Say goodbye to Japanese tourists! I hear they like flashing the peace sign.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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