Dirty rotten liar

So I said I was going to make burritos… I ended up cooking a rice and jerk veggie dish instead, but it was for the best. Turned out really nicely; a sweet/spicy flavor with zucchini, mushrooms, a pile of different kinds of beans, and of course garlic. I think I put garlic in everything I eat.

Everyone in this house (with the exception of the lout, but he's out) is a pretty solid cook. I think it's an important skill in life, to at least understand the basics of anyway.

Oh, and I see Ryan's added two new button designs to BMEshop:

PS. Don't order those on their own or you'll get screwed on shipping. Wait till you want to order something else, and just toss them in an cheapo extras. We make them here so they won't go out of stock, so it's not like the t-shirts where there's a mad rush.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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