Is this too cheezy?

When people donate via PayPal, if I'm able to, I like to send a little thank you back, so when I can, if the person included their address I send out some stickers and various other silly things I have here. I don't know — I love getting stickers in the mail from people like Lukas Zpira and Mr. Ballhair — my computer is plastered in them.

But I was thinking — I've donated to a lot of sites over the years, and while about 20% do send a thank-you email, I don't think any have ever sent anything in the mail. I'm not complaining at all, I don't think they have a responsibility to, and that's not what I was donating “for”… but… It got me paranoid. Is it weird/cheezy/etc. to do so?

Anyway, I think I'm going to order a little set of new promo stickers today…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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