January 23 = 1/23 = 2045 is funny

Clive and Kay visited yesterday, and one of the things we talked about was using modified ink-jet printers as complex manufacturing devices, allowing you to print three dimensional objects layer by layer… And this morning I see an even more exciting variation on that: organ printing!

So the latest trend in the media is articles on the tattoo “fad” and how it's over so everyone is getting them removed… Not true… More people with tattoos means more people getting removals. I'm far more inclined to say that the number of tattoo removals are simply a reflection of the sheer bulk of people getting tattooed. It's no surprise that in a group of millions and millions and millions of people that you're going to have the occasional joker that decides that tattooing was a mistake and now they want them off so they can be a Fed and bust people with tattoos…

…and I do say that with some seriousness. If you want to be a criminal, don't get tattoos. Every day I read stories in my news searches about criminals getting caught because of their tattoos. Police have books of tattoos nowadays, just like they have books of mugshots… Of course, sometimes it helps too — this man was cleared because they couldn't find enough tattooed people to put in a lineup, making it unfair.

Finally in bod-mod news, I thought this story was quite interesting — it's about parents suing the medical system for circumcising their children, even when the procedure went normally (not like this one). The suit is being launched to seek compensation for “diminished sexual sensation”.

Seeing as the parents OK'd the procedure, I'm not sure it'll be successful, but I think the bigger point is the lack of consent. The fact is, if I performed ritual scarification on my child, or instead of cutting off the foreskin cut off an earlobe, or tattooed its face, or whatever, I'd go to prison and child services would force foster-home-city. It's totally bizarre that just because a hundred years ago America got the deluded notion that if you torture a male baby's genitals it will masturbate less as an adult, that it's still mutilating a significant percentage of its children*.

* At this point the US is the only Western country that hasn't largely stopped doing circumcisions, and even the AMA has over and over recommended that it be ceased… But if you want your answer as to why it hasn't stopped, realize that America is ruled not by reason or right, but by money. And with 1.2 million circumcisions done yearly, that's a nearly half billion dollar industry. So to put it simply — America mutilates babies for money.

Here's an interesting story on how America helped Iraq evade international scrutiny for the gassings that are now being decried as a cause for war. James Brooks calls America deluded, armed, and dangerous, but I'm becoming less convinced of that — I think Americans (as in the people, not the rulers) are starting to come out of their slumber and realize that they are slaves in a strange military dictatorship, and have little more control over their government than the Iraqi people have over theirs… And I think people are starting to realize that if Bush Cheney Ashcroft Rumsfield et al are willing to brutally murder and oppress people in other parts of the world, it's not asking much to have them start doing it at home.

After all, if you look at the laws they've enacted, they've absolutely set the groundwork for it.

OPEC founder Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani has said oil prices could triple should war happen… fine! Let them! Maybe then we'll start pushing harder on alternate power sources that are less soaked in blood. But don't worry, America has promised to seize control of the oil fields so they'll “better serve the Iraqi people”… That is, handing them over to a US company, and then passing a tiny temporary bribe to someone, most likely not the Iraqi people — after all, it's not like Afghanistan's new-found “freedom” lasted

On one hand the US says that it's waging war on Iraq because the UN demanded it, but then when the UN says, “Um, no, stop it!”, they promise to fight without UN backing. We've seen a dozen “reasons” for war disproved, and every time we're told it's irrelevant. Now America is promising to turn on countries like Germany and France as well if they don't back the war.

On the same note, Canada has been told that if it decriminalizes marijuana that Canadian tourists will be hassled at the border, shipping between the countries will be brought to a standstill, and possible trade sanctions and embargoes will be enacted. That is, America uses its weight to attempt to force the internal policies of foreign countries. Oh, and if you're wondering why in this case, it's for three reasons:

  1. America desperately wants Americans to both stay ignorant about the rest of the world, and to not travel to other parts of the world, especially other Western nations, since upon doing so, Americans immediately realize that even though they pay more taxes, they have a dramatically lower standard of living (and could return demanding the same).
  2. The war on drugs is a giant multi-billion-dollar industry. Money equals power under the type of “democracy” we are moving to in the West, with America being the cutting edge. As such, a billion dollar industry, no matter how wrong, is able to force its case.
  3. Closing the borders would (a) give American companies less competition, and (b) be expensive to implement (that is, money money money in someone's pocket — someone has to get the contract).

The fact is that while America has an enormous economy, giving it a lot of international clout, it is still only a very small part of the world. In addition, as corporations grow larger and more international, power will shift away from America and into more nebulous locations (you don't really believe that GE is run by patriots, do you?)… So it would be in America's best interests to not make itself too unpopular, lest it find itself a third world nation in fifty years…

Recommended reading: CORPORATION NATION

OK, I wasted way too much time writing that… I'm off to finally make some much needed upgrades to the BMEshop software, including finally re-activating email notification, and then some tweaks to make things work better both for you and behind the scenes.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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