Young Shannon: Funpix?

Now you know where the quote, “When a child is given a marker, its first impulse is not to draw on paper, but to draw on its skin”. I absolutely believe that body modification is natural and instinctual, and that it is profoundly unhealthy to ignore its drives. This is me, probably in the late 1970s. Not long after this picture was taken I would have started programming, first on a CPM based Superbrain, then a ZX-81 (that thing was cool), and then a IBM PC. I think this was 1983 or so, which means I was starting to release small video games and not long after would get into BBSing. And chainsawing wood of course for chores — our house was wood heated most of the time. Probably about the same time — that's my sister, so I'm guessing it would be fall of 1984. I'm standing in front of a greenhouse we'd built out of an old cistern (which then later became a billiards room.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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