BBQ Mailout

The following BBQ message was just broadcast. Everyone coming should have received it, but I'm posting it here just to be safe:


First of all, the BBQ starts at the normal time; early afternoon. Between 1 and 3 PM is when I expect the "first wave" will arrive, with more people arriving over the afternoon and early evening. I expect we'll light most of the fireworks around 8 PM depending on everyone's plans (I know some people are going to multiple events).

The weather forecast for tomorrow is SHOCKINGLY WARM. Predicted temperatures are well above freezing, with maybe a tiny bit of snow. That said, I would still strongly recommend bringing warm clothes.

As always, the event is BYOB, BYOF. Since it's too cold, there won't be suspensions, but given that this is also BMEshop territory, I'm sure we can work something out if people want to play.

The BBQ shirts are $20 (and it's sort of a 2-for-1 deal because we've got free goodies that go with them), and Ryan also has BMEshop hoodies from a run we decided not to put up in the shop for $20, as well as toques.

See you tomorrow!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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