
This shout out comes from mal:

This summer, the Legislature voted overwhelmingly — by more than a 2 to 1 margin — to reject the amendment which sought to devastate families formed by same-sex couples by banning marriage protections, civil unions, domestic partner benefits, even simple decencies like hospital visitation and survivor benefits.

Anti-gay pressure group Massachusetts Citizens for Marriage is pushing Acting Governor Jane Swift to revive its constitutional amendment, H.4840, before it expires forever at midnight. December 31st.

So… If you think gay families ought to be exterminated, don't follow this link. If you think America would be stronger without gay couples, don't follow this link. If you think religious extremists should dictate how the rest of us live, don't follow this link. If you think anything other than one woman having sex for procreation only with one man will result in God damning you to be eternally tortured in fire and brimstone, don't follow this link.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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