Got a taste for suicide

Driving a 700 HP sled with summer tires on icy roads straight into the sun (visor down + cowl up = 8″ circle to see out of) sure is fun. I know it's wrong to drive it in the winter, for so many reasons, but I just can't stop myself.

On Saturday a friend is dropping off the snowmobile; let's hope the amazing deal I'm getting is really due to the guy getting old and not riding it rather than it being hot. It's that good a deal, I'm practically getting it for free. Which means I won't feel too bad if its damaged during a jousting match.

Other than that, I ordered a supercool fisheye lens, which should be perfect for filming suspensions, BBQs, and so on… Yeah, I know it's overused at times, but I really never get bored of fisheye lensing when it comes to shooting action.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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