
Here's a hint: if your page is nothing but stolen pictures, don't index yourself in the forum engine unless you're trying to draw attention to yourself for it. Anyway, I read a bunch more articles this morning with idiot neo-calls like Goldberg calling for the US to seize British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan… So I built a quick fun toy onto the forum search to distract myself from that foolishness. Let others write about it for now.

Basically it displays random keywords that people have selected (sort of like the wah? and huh? modes) and then links them to searches on that term. Among other things it really shows you a few forums where the owners linked what they thought would be popular terms, even though they have nothing to do with the forum.

Obviously those users will have their forums de-ranked, and then the whole thing will backfire. Oh, and I'm still working on the BMEradio/Freenet uploads; I had a satellite cutout yesterday at block 143/144 of a 50 meg upload! So I've started with a smaller test file today (the DJ Muggs interview, probably our weakest show).

At least in some good news, Canada's been talking about a bill that would give the Canadian government similar powers that the US government just granted itself via the Homeland Security bill (the elimination of personal privacy for US citizens, government access to voicemail, email, credit records, etc., without a warrant or probable cause) called “Lawful Access”.

Luckily we have a “Privacy Commissioner” here as a part of the government who's job is to protect the privacy rights of the citizens, including against the government. Thankfully they've taken a strong stance against Canada adopting an American-style police state… So with a little server restructuring (no overseas moves) I can keep everyone's data secure.

Well, time to do an image update I think.

PS. If you want free speech, check out Australia — mooning (as in showing people your ass) is a constitutional right!

Update: The interview is inserted into Freenet as “KSK@BMEradio-DJmuggs”. If anyone can verify that it works (it's just a 10 meg file, but it will probably be served from my dish, so the first time it'll take a while as it propagates), I'll upload the rest of BMEradio as well.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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