Well that's not fun

My increasingly flaky computer crashed right after I'd finished writing a big entry. Not fun, and I'm too busy today to be able to re-write it… “But I won't cry for yesterday” so it's back to downloading tunes and programming. By day's end I will most definitely have completed the self-indexing portion of the forum search tool.

Other than that, I got a copy of the “Modern Tribalism” DVD, along with a press/promo pack, so I guess I should watch and review that today too. I slept in a bit today (till ten or so), so I'm feeling a bit off. I really don't like sleeping in, because I do most of my work in the morning, and if at the end of the day I can't say “I did something good today — I made things a little better,” I feel like crap…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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