
OK, I'm powering this machine down shortly. I've got most of the essentials burned to disc (ie. up-to-the-minute updates of all my source code, plus the BME maintenance databases), so if something bad happens while fixing, the damage will be minimized.

While I was backing things up, I tried to write down what BME means to me; that is, why I do it. (Any time I'm facing investing a pile of money to do things for BME, I do this to remind myself why it's worth doing). Note that these are my feelings, and not “official reasons”, if there's a difference.

  • BME is the result of the reaction of my unhappiness with the world's corruption.
  • BME stands for “be me”.
  • BME represents an act of will, an attempt to recreate the world, or at least a small part of it into something normal and beautiful.
  • BME is an act of faith, a space created by the genuine belief in its principles.
  • BME is a statement of belief that something good can come from us.
  • BME is an attempt to make a world where we are ordinary, without questions.
  • BME is a place where you never have to justify the way you feel.
  • BME is something I believe in.
  • BME is a tool for improving life.
  • BME is a place to be accepted for who you are, and do the same with others.
  • BME is a place where no matter how fucked up the rest of the world gets, you're safe and with friends.

I'm not saying it means that to everyone, or even that it should mean that to everyone. I don't know. But that's what it means to me… Anyway, I guess I'm off to make a pile of everything I have to bring with me and then it's time to face the highway in a few hours.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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