This is verbatim from Bryan's page:

I pierce in Lake County. The school district in Lake County is one of only three counties in the state of Florida that do not allow body piercings at school. A few days ago, it claimed a life. Robert pierced a girl's eyebrow recently, and she was suspended from school because of it. When she got home and informed her father, he yelled at and demeaned her for it. Shortly there-after, she went upstairs and shot herself in the head. A young life ended over an eyebrow piercing.

Part of me thinks that this could have had a dramatically better ending if her school hadn't denied her education over a piece of jewelry. Part of me wonders what the father feels like, now. I'm kind of torn up over the issue.

It is things like this that should make schools open their eyes to the issue of suspensions over piercings.

Why should I be surprised those fucking assholes at the school board along with their accomplice the father murdered her? After all, mainstream society has been murdering gay students like this for decades. I don't give a fuck who hears me saying that, and I don't give any credit to “suicide is a choice” bullshit when you start forcing young people down useless one way roads and making it clear to them that the entire world thinks they're valueless. And anyone who can't see that is either totally compassionless or totally sheltered.


Her blood is on their hands. I accuse them.

I accuse them of murder, and I am disgusted at this. I can't even begin to say how angry I am about this. You want to not hire a person with piercings? Fine. It's your right to be a jerk in your own business. But denying people basic rights because of piercings is atrocious and unacceptable in a free society.

They must answer for this murder.

They do not have the right to force their closed-minded will on young people, and any atrocity that follows their fuse-lighting act is entirely their responsibility. And under no circumstances can we let them try and blame this on us. They must answer for their crimes, and we can not take the fall for them again.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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