
I thought this might interest some people; both Keith and I got it about two and a half years ago. As far as I know there has been no follow-up. We'd both been quoted in a little educational pamphlet on body piercing, and included in the pamphlet had been some relatively tamely worded information on the risks of piercing guns.

The ear piercing industry, particularly StudEx, has been getting more and more aggressive over time with the body piercing industry (which is “encroaching on its territory”). Since it's hard to produce hard scientific studies on the risks of ear piercing guns (yes, the risks are quite obvious to anyone, but can you prove it?) so the ear piercing industry figured out that all they have to do is start suing anyone that says anything bad about guns.

Those of you that review experiences probably also notice that there are quite regularly experiences submitted with titles like “ear piercing guns: not so bad” or “my great gunned lobe experience”. You'll also notice that in many of these experiences the writer will go to lengths to tell you what company made the gun, what model it was, and basically rattle off a brochure. I am basically 100% sure that these are false experiences submitted as advertisements (and that's not going to work, no matter how many times they do it).

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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