Give Me A Break

I know that this picture is in the entry below too, but I wanted to say that I really like Ed's hat in the picture below, probably mostly because it perfectly matches his facial expression… That said, I really need a “Keep on Truckin'” shirt for so many reasons (althought Rob liked my “There's no fiction in crucifixion” shirt).

Just got this email from someone who'd had their experience rejected. They just had minor problems, so they were simply asked to make some changes and resubmit the experience:

What an entirely waste of time! No, I can't resubmit since I didn't keep a copy of what I submitted - maybe that's a piece of advice you should include to novice members. I didn't copy a single word and feel offended that some commenters thought I did. I found your site useful and it did persuade me to go ahead and get a hafada. But your system stinks.

The punch line of course is that not only were they told to save a copy on their own computer, but you actually can't even submit an experience without checking off a box that says “I have saved a copy of this experience in case I am asked to make changes”. Oh well… I'd have assumed that if someone's willing to go to the effort of writing 800+ words they'd also read the things they're checking off. But I assumed wrong (this is one of the most common complaints)…

Well, it could be worse. Most of the email I get — and you get too I imagine — starts with “Mom's sweetest girl fucked on film…In front of here entire class!” or “HURRY TODAY! Generic Viagra is now available to consumers! As low as $2.50 per dose PLUS a FREE Doctor's Consultation!” and things like that.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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