
Sorry I haven't updated yet today — I've spent the entire day working on the scrapbook. 384 pages are totally full — every submission from now on is getting squeezed into the cracks (so please understand if I can't post lengthy texts).

The scrapbook currently contains 1077 images (plus a pile of text). Every one of those images had to be checked, labelled, resized, color corrected, touched up, and then placed into the document. So feel free to do the math as to just how much time I'm putting into this personally. But I wouldn't do it if I didn't believe in it.

I thought a bit about modern revolution. Most countries have effectively disarmed their public. Even America, the land of guns, is cracking down on its militia groups more and more heavily, even though they represent not just a bunk of crazy rednecks, but a final defense against tyranny.

Anyway, I realized that since Bush doesn't have the average American's support for his warmongering — even though you'll see many a deceitful (check the fine print) poll claiming it — he has to make Americans feel powerless to continue. I'm sure many of you are saying, “this war is wrong, but everyone seems to support it. they've ignored my voice — what am I supposed to do?”

But the American people do have a voice: MONEY.

If enough people organized and simply refused to pay their taxes (it would have to be a significant percentage of the population, maybe 1% to 5%), and took their money out of the system (where the government can seize it), it would literally knock any government out of power, and non-violently too.

Remember, you pay Bush.

I don't know if it would work or not, but hey, nobody likes paying taxes, so I suspect it would be a lot easier to convince people to do than actually pick up weapons and march to Washington to overthrow the government physically.

PS. That's not the real/final cover.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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