Still working on the scrapbook — if you want to send in pictures, you can still send them to — there's about a week or so left before I'm cutting things off. The 384 pages are currently completely full, so I'm debating right now whether it's better to squeeze more and more in, or if I should lengthen it (I'm squeezing right now)… Other than that I'm listening to Pranzo Oltranzista by Mike Patton. If you're a John Zorn-type jazz fan, I highly recommend this album.
Anyway, I got the following mail that I figured Franko Derb should handle:
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 13:02:08 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: (no subject)
Now, considering that this person was so stupid that they didn't even take Ryan's logo off the bottom, they get my stock response from Franko:
Great pictures, now your full membership will be on its way as soon as you answer this skill testing question (sorry, it's required by law to make sure you are mature enough for the content of the site):“Monday and Tuesday have two, Wednesday and Thursday have one, Friday has six and Saturday and Sunday have none, what is it?”
I have set your username to “guest3942″.
Your password is the answer to this riddle.Enjoy the site,
Department of Truth
Not long afterwards, I (well, Franko) got a reply:
hi franko
seems to be a stupid riddle, I have no idea about the solution. come on give me a little
OK, so maybe Franko will cut him some slack, right? (Not likely). After all, he worked so hard sending in that ripped off photo. So here was Franko's response (I'll let you know if he replies):
OK, I'm not really supposed to do this, but you're far away so I doubt we'll get in trouble for this. The answer is a series of three rhyming numbers. The central number is in French (Canada is bilingual so we are by law required to test in both languages).Franko
Department of Confusion
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