
Nikki (I'm sorry, I don't know her current IAM name, she used to be cliffhanger14) just did a knee suspension here in the back yard, orchestrated by Phil who did an awesome job running it. It went really well, and I'm guessing she was up for about half an hour, if not more — it's so hard to gauge that sort of thing. Anyway, it went really well.

Here's a good funmail I got from a reader in Florida:

Subject: My IP address

That is my IP address

Block me from your fucking IAM shit.
Fuck you without taking offence. This is not about you Shannon. Block me or will damage my computer and keep the person who goes to your site all the time from going on.


Now, if I'm reading that right, he's jealous because his roommate (girlfriend?) is spending too much time on IAM, and is sending me the following threat: “if you don't block my computer from viewing IAM, I will break my computer!”


I've been accused of running a money-grubbing cult a lot lately. It really cracks me up when people accuse BME of being a money-making scam. Honestly, if you believe that BME is a money making machine, then feel free to try and take over the market and get in on the “big money”. Porn makes money, and BME/HARD does bring in much of the profits required to pay for the rest of it. If I ran only BME/HARD, I could be a decently profitable business — but I'm not. That said, running free sites with no advertising does not. (Duh).

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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