
First of all, I've sorted out the bug in the distance engine that wasn't letting you track properly between international and North American addresses (and that is required, because of the proximity of Mexico and the US and things like that). I'd just reversed north and south or something lame like that. Anyway, I'm rebuilding it now and will get it done by day's end.

Now for the BBQ stuff. I've rewired my back yard properly for sound… There are four big speakers mounted around the yard. It actually sounds really great; way better than the old crappy speakers (if anyone wants them, take the old ones home after the BBQ; three of them are mostly working). The back yard now has a nice balanced surround sound feel to it:

I've also done what I always do: TOO MANY FIREWORKS. (Oh, wait — NO — you can never have too many). As always, expect a good show in that department. I've made sure to include Leeta in the picture below so you can see how big the boxes are:

Finally, on that note, I should say that while the Beer and Liquor stores are closed on Monday (so if you want some, get it on Saturday or Sunday, although Sunday is limited hours), KABOOM is open on Monday until quite late, so if you want to launch, please do bring fireworks. The more the merrier (just play safe).
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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