Work Work Working…

I'm working on another image update today. I don't think it's a huge update (we'll see in a couple hours), but it's got some really cool stuff… Maybe I'm getting delerious from lack of sleep and food, but I got a big kick out of this surface piercing project (I'm assuming it was done with a sense of humor). The full pix are in the update and I assume that the owner will be joining IAM soon, so if you want to talk to them about the project, watch the new members lists over the next week.

Also, I just wanted to quickly comment on the new Israeli plan for dealing with suicide bombers: blowing up the homes of their family members and throwing the survivors out of the country. Now, obviously suicide bombing is a problem that must be solved, and obviously there are many (but definitely not all, or even close to all) cases in which the family supports the bomber. That said: haven't we moved past the “by any means neccessary” stage in our political evolution?

I'm surprised that any Western nation would tolerate this type of stance — it's no better than a mafia thug, who when on trial vows to kill the family of any jurors if he is convicted. You can't punish a person for crimes committed by people they know as a deterrant if there was no direct involvement by that person. What's next, torturing the families of political dissidents? Oh wait, that's happening too in this wonderful world we've created.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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