Now there's a comeback!

Heh… So Ted Turner (philanthropist and CNN founder) said yesterday that the root cause of Palestinian suicide bombing was poverty and desperation and that both sides were clearly terrorizing each other. Personally, I can't see how anyone couldn't see this to be true. It should be obvious to anyone watching!

I have to admit that I got a laugh from the official Israeli response (via Daniel Seaman) to his comments… It's pretty far removed from what you normally hear politicians say (and I think that the shallowness of the retort shows the poor logical validity of their objection):

My only advice to Ted Turner is if people assume you are stupid, it is just best to keep your mouth shut rather than open your mouth and confirm everyone in that view.

Remember that Mr. Turner (who in 1997 donated a full BILLION dollars to help fight world poverty) previously got himself in trouble for calling the September 11th hijackers “brave” (which obviously they were, even if, as any compassionate person would, you find their actions reprehensible)… Anyone want to enter Ted Turner in the Dead Pool? I'd say that by now the Mossad have assassination clearance on him!

PS. That was funny, this is scary.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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