So many links

First, read this report on human experiments conducted by the US (often on its own citizens). To the few of you here that were on active duty in the Gulf War, it's old news, but it's worth reading… It may be easy to write off 1930's syphillis testing on black men as “a different time”, but realize that for example in 1990, researchers gave 1500 (one thousand five hundred) black and hispanic babies unapproved experimental measles drugs without even telling the parents.

America has certainly been profoundly evil and terrorist nation for the past seventy years or so, but it gets worse all the time. Not only does it meet every definition of the word evil, but it's not even a nation run by evil men — it's a nation run by evil corporations, and supported by the evil media they own. Bow to your vengeful gods!

Oh, and I see now that America is basically admitting that its attack on Canadian soldiers was no accident, and that no information on it will be shared with the Canadian people. Run out of brown skinned people to drop bombs on? Need a target with a flashing infrared strobe marker on it? Might as well drop them on Canadians, right? Maybe the Japanese now too, since they've snubbed the US?

Oh, and if you're a foreign student studying in the US (or an old black woman), I hope you don't mind being tracked. Not that the US has any respect for the international community (or its children), international law (let alone the rights of its own citizens), or any treaties signed by former US presidents. At this point the US is a fascist rogue state (or empire I suppose) that supports other rogue states to encourage perpetual war (which is by definition not winnable — it is designed to be a neverending stalemate). If the current US power struture is not eliminated, humans will not survive with any nobility in the long term.

Maybe I'm just upset because my brother is among the troops sent in to replace the Canadians that were killed by US bombing.

As I said, I read a lot, and I figure I might as well share what I read last night in the tub, as well as early this morning:

  • The Black Panthers Speak – I really enjoyed this book — it's a compilation of speeches, interviews, pamphlets, etc. done by the core members of the Black Panther Party. I think what I most appreciated was seeing the very raw, unrefined radical idealism in these young people. Also, this book really went a long way to explaining what most people see as racist overtones in BP philosophy; the interviews about their interactions with middle-class white activists was very interesting. And everything in this book is still very relevant — I'm not sure that any of the issues they fought for have been resolved yet.
  • The African Dream – I figured these books would go together well. Reading The Motorcycle Diaries a few years back had a profound effect on me, and I greatly appreciated Che's book on guerrilla warfare as well, although it is a much more dry read (if your interest is warfare, I also recently read Mao's book and Giap's book, which make good companions). I was happy to find that The African Dream is as engrossing as The Motorcycle Diaries (these are in effect their evolved counterpart). That said, I strongly recommend that anyone interested in Che Guevara to read The Motorcylce Diaries first as it very clearly puts everything into context.

In any case, I definitely recommend both of these books.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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