Where's the beef?

A lot of days when I'm working, I watch all generations of Star Trek… They play TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY all in a row on Space (Canadian Sci-Fi channel)… Anyway, something that struck me about it recently is that in the old series characters are regularly utterly revolted at the concept of eating “living flesh” — I imagine at the time it was written everyone just made the logical conclusion that advanced societies would reject eating meat…

But then in the later series, the characters actually embrace meat eating — there are even numerous scenes dedicated to characters talking about how much they love it… Given what a leftist group of writers the show employees, and given how pro-”terrorist” (remember the Maquis?) DS9 was, and how shockingly “unamerican” and pro-Muslim (Suliban?) Enterprise is, it really surprised me that they wouldn't also include pro-vegan messages…

LostMayan just pointed out that in later generations of Star Trek, most of the meat eaten would be replicator produced, and not the actual flesh of an animal. That said, I'm pretty sure though that there are numerous episodes that include fishing and hunting references… I wonder… Would 250 years of eating replicated flesh make you more or less likely to be upset by the real thing?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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