So… I'm looking at the FOIA pages on the FBI site (some blog linked the “horrible communist” Albert Einstein's file), and I thought it was interesting how many pages there were (as in how big their files were) on different ideologies. The imbalance makes it very clear that the FBI has an obvious political bias. For example:

Seems like a little?
Ku Klux Klan – 588 pages
Aryan Brotherhood – 141 pages
Adolph Hitler – 734 pages
Hell's Angels – 233 pages
Seems like a lot?
Martin Luther King Jr. – 55,896 pages
Black Panther Party – 2,895 pages
Gay Activists Alliance & GLA – 1,647 pages
Abbie Hoffman – 13,262 pages

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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