Another preview

The book is coming along very well… I've totally rewritten it and swept the layout so it doesn't look so amateur. I really think this is going to be one of the best books on modification ever… With all the text that's been added, including a half-dozen “lost” interviews (that I'd done five years ago with many of the ModCon attendees when I was writing my first book, the since-turned-down Modern Primitives II — RE/search told Jon and I “no one wants to see that freaky stuff” after seeing a sample chapter), it's very powerful…

Anyway, I'm giving it a final go-over, then a few others will proof it, and then it goes to press. I can't see any reason it won't be available by the end of March (so about a month from today).

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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