
Seriously, if I lived in the US I'd get the fuck out now. On top of the endless stories about the widening rift between the US and the rest of the world, with war on the EU and Japan pending, along with potentially global race war, the domestic crackdowns are getting even more scary. Did you know that now SERIAL CABLES are illegal? Did you know that just possessing the ability to potentially write software that might be able to circumvent copyright is punishable by life in prison (in the land of the free anyway)?

I have the technical skills required to circumvent most copyright protection scheme — when I was sixteen I was working with McQuaid (he was doing software development for the same company I was), so I've got I guess 11 years of experience testing the waters on copy protection circumvension. Hell, I've got the technical skills to take out a big jet even with the current stupid security systems. It's not that hard (certainly well withing the grasp of any top-10% highschool grad). I can't see how knowledge makes you either a pirate or a terrorist. I have no particular motivation to either steal or kill. Are we now banning education and intelligence? Because that's what this is moving toward.

That said, there will come a point at which those of us that have been declared terrorists by the US government start

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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