THIS PHONE IS TAPPED The wall next to the computer is currently a collage of various new function references.
CONTRIBUTOR SHIRT/BACK It looks good, but I think they messed up the resolution when they printed it, so the text is a lot smaller than I'd hoped.
CONTRIBUTOR SHIRT/FRONT I really like this shirt… (Ryan is annoyed because some of our best designs are the giveaways!)
MY HELPER Well, how about my distraction? You're looking at the single largest detrimental factor in getting my work done.
BMEGIRL6 It looks good right? BMEshop has strict quality control, and we rejected it (don't worry, it's being reprinted, it's just a week or two delay).
HERE'S WHY These were the problems with the screen; only minor stuff, but we don't sell crap. That's why you don't see any of these $6 barbells and $2 rings on BMEshop.
MYSTERY PACKAGE I love getting surprises! This was from Cian in Ireland (I'm sorry, I've lost the link to his IAM page, but thank you!).
UH OH! It's Oktoberfestbier. Don't blame me if the new IAM software is a bit funny.
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