My supper

What do you do when you have nothing in your fridge except a two week old half of a green pepper and a white onion? Well, it seems to have turned out for the best. I cooked it up with almonds and some fresh garlic and ginger and banana sauce. I had a lot more I wanted to put in as well, but because I have no can opener, that plan fell through. Anyway, I ended up serving it with some nice red rice and it really was yummy.

Unless I've missed some, I've got fifteen more functions left to convert to the new database format. Then I relax for a short while, go to bed, and when morning comes, the site goes offline for 12-48 hours. If I don't get the update complete on the first day, there's a good chance that I'll at least be able to partially turn it back on (the view routines are much simpler than the edit routines).

However, if you have friends you want to keep talking to during those two days, you'd be advised to grab their email before then… Also, I'll do my best to post updates as to how it's going in the live chat. Odds are that if you drop in, the ops should be able to tell you the status.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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