
So I've been printing links to stories talking about how badly the US elite forces have been doing in Afghanistan, and I've received a number of emails accusing me of just repeating Taliban lies — after all, the Pentagon says that there have been no losses of soldiers, and that the only injuries were a couple “kids who scraped their knees on the rocks”. I guess the Taliban were sick of the US's lies, so they handed over a corpse of one of them, with 20 more held captive.

To darkly humorously top it off, in response to the US claim that Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar has gone into hiding, the Taliban not only denied it, but added that Mullah Omar challenged both George Bush and Tony Blair to a duel if they were not too cowardly to appear.

Considering they're dropping 17 foot bombs that leave a five football field crater, I'm shocked the US forces are so ineffective. This war is just weird sometimes… Even though they're vaguely allied with the US, the US has not given any supplies to the Northern Alliance. Since they're hurting for money and supplies, they've been charging journalists for access! If anything, that shows the US should ally with the North — after all, capitalism is the American way!

Given enough money, time, and death, America probably can level Afghanistan. If they do that, they'll lose the war on terrorism forever, and guarantee that they will never be respected internationally (not that the US has ever had much respect outside its own borders). Salim Muwwakkil of the Chicago Tribune makes a good point — America is in a position now to prove itself as a responsible superpower, and must take “the road less travelled” to truly win.

And now for something funny: What do you get when you combine the words anus, mouth, orally, and stimulate?

I'm off to do laundry. I'm not saying I'll code it any time soon, but I'm working on a new project called “The Ethics Engine” which is a communal ethics and philosophy development system. It's in some ways similar to everything2, but structured differently and with a tighter set of limitations. Anyway, then when I get back I have to write a magazine article on scarification.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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