You saw it here first

I know this was on the news via audio, but I do not believe that any of the mainstream media managed to record this. Before you send me hatemail about the images below, please understand I'm not commenting on them one way or the other. I was there not as a protester, but as someone attempting to provide some level of unbiased media.

In any case, the report below and the photos have been submitted to IMC, but you saw it here first since their submissions form doesn't seem to work for me.

(glider) At about 9AM this morning I watched a protester climb up to the top of the entry of a hotel at roughly King and Bay. When he made it there, he grafitti'd the US flag and then -- to the most massive applause I'd heard all morning -- proceeded to successfully light it (quite a feat, considering it had been raining for hours). He was in the centre of hundreds of protesters cheering him on, who also effectively stopped the police from taking him. When I left the area to keep my footage from being taken, he had gotten down and disappeared into the crowd.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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