
So a few days ago I removed user “Thym”. The reason he was removed was that he'd taken to logging into forums that he didn't participate in, insulting the people there, and leaving. If you went to his page, it said that he was just here to “fuck with” people, and various things along those lines. So he was removed. So then I get this email:

From: Tim Bailey
Subject: Shannon, the Esteemed Benevolent Creator of All Things Good

Dear Shannon:

I find your level of self-assured arrogance and intellectual snobbery to be repulsive, and--in light of being deleted--wish upon you a slow, cancerous death followed by an eternal cycle of pain and suffering.

bye now... :)


I think that pretty much shows where his head is at. Now people are upset that he was just removed for “telling it like it is”. Here's the deal:

You don't have to be here. If you don't like the people here, or don't like the rules here, LEAVE. Go and write your own software and create your own community site if you think you can do it better. If your utopia includes people insulting each other, then please, delete yourself. I fully support your first ammendment right to be an ass, but it's not going to happen here.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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