Snoop bill passed, goodbye freedom

The beginning of the end. Don't think it matters that the government can spy on you? Having your private actions constantly monitored is step one in full-on thought policing. The ACLU's press release on the subject is worth a quick read. Again I say, even if you agree with this bill, it is essential that you stay informed on it.

Maybe lyrics make more sense. Let's see what I can come up with. How about WASP, ha, ha?

I'm politically incorrect and damn proud of it
I love my country but I'm scared to death of its government
Ya believe what you read cause it's all that we give ya
Cause all of history is written by winners

Or how about Steppenwolfe? Everyone likes Steppenwolfe, right?

America where are you now
Don't you care about your sons & daughters
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster

Maybe I need something more recent? Maybe The Unseen?

the stars and strips are prison bars
they won't let you get too far
the rule over many by the few
you cant police my mind because i won't let you

Not that it matters much at this point, but WWIII is getting bigger every day. First the US wants to invade a handful of countries, and then its allies start getting shakier and shakier. Then you've got Pakistan which is a virtual powderkeg right now. They have lots of nukes and lots of extremists…

On a much more pleasant note, I'm going out to lunch with my mother and sister today… She's considering going to U of T next year so they're giving her a tour.

PS. I like Steve's phone:

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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