I just remembered that I was going to post about my latest pile of mail. I got two envelopes with three rolls of film in all — in about an hour I'll wander down to West Camera and drop it off. I like dealing with West Camera because they really couldn't care less what I develop… I developed photos of me helping chisel off a guy's finger and they didn't have me tossed in jail.
Anyway, I got my plugs from Wil at the One Stop Freak Shop. Wow. He's really got that computer controlled milling machine figured out — the workmanship on these is stunning. Check out his website — he's got a zillion different designs of custom plugs, and given what they are, they're pretty cheap as well.

I also got a shirt from Sean's Church Social on September 2nd… I sent him a shirt in return, so I hope he got it.

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