- BBQ starts at 6PM officially and goes until whenever
- Feel free to arrive at 4PM or later. Do not arrive earlier than 4PM!
- Reserved shirts can be picked up from Ryan and Corrie between 4PM and 6PM. After 6PM the unclaimed shirts will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Phil will be shooting between 4PM and 7PM for people who want to be on trading cards, cd sleeves, or other kooky projects.
- Pornforpunks will be shooting after 7PM. Contact them if you'd like to be involved.
- iWasCured will be doing various feats during the evening, and maybe we can get Orbax to blow some fire.
- There will be a donation bucket, to be split between iWasCured and the Church. If it passes the $500 mark, Marty and I will do a one hook forehead to forehead pull.
- It's BYOB. There's a beer store just north of Dundas on Bathurst, and another just west of Bathurst on Queen. They will be open on the day of the BBQ.
- It's also bring your own food — there is a BBQ of course, so you can cook on-site.
- If you want something else to do all day, check out iDance.
- If you need a map, click here. The address is “247 Bathurst St.” if you are using something like MapQuest. Come through the laneway and around back — ringing the doorbells gets you nowhere.
- I'm sure there's lots more to mention when I think of it…
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