Ha ha ha

So after almost smashing into another truck, I pull in at Second Cup behind a 1980 Silver Corvette with the t-top off. There's an over-the-top cliche'd looking Germanic guy, with a strong tan, chiselled features, and long blond hair slicked back… He couldn't stop combing it the entire time I was there. Anyway, this guy was as porno b-movie fabio funny looking as they come, and he kept scoping out everyone that walked past.

While I'm in second cup I walk over to Scott who was standing with some short guy with stretched ears… I say, “Hey, you've got to look outside if you want to see something really funny — there's a guy in his Corvette out there checking people out and he hasn't stopped combing his hair for five minutes!” Scott's friend says to me, “Yeah, he's a movie star.”

Then he leaves, and Scott cracks up as I watch him getting in the Corvette — that guy was his ride! Scott's friend builds sets or something, and it turns out the guy really was a movie star…! (I'm not sure if that excuses the look, but hey, who am I to talk? Yeah, I'm a very big glass house I know.)

Does anyone know what this is? I figure it is a hydraulic press of some sort:

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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