
Went to visit the Vette today — because it was stashed behind a bunch of Ferraris and Porsches I wasn't able to drive it (next couple days), but it looks good other than a couple minor $25 cosmetic problems (missing knobs, crack in cover over centre console, etc). From the factory it was a 350/350HP with a 4-speed, but I'm told it's not any more… I'm not sure what's in it. With luck I'll know later today.

And here are some crappy photos of the soon-to-be-mine 1969 Vette:

Oh, and I checked eBay to see what they've been selling for and it looks like a fair trade.

And I just found out today that a former business associate of mine that we'd also heard was a pedophile is going around town with a 14-year old boy that he tells everyone is his “son”. Yeah, we really believe that — he's three inches taller than you, blonde, and blue eyed. You're a short obviously Jewish man… Hmmm… Considering this guy already has a reputation, and I suspect a record, you'd think he'd behave!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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