Keebie Calling

I took it from ^NoMaD^ (aka Viperboy) who got it from keebie.

What would you modify on your body if you could?
Change some of the softness to hardness and move it around a little.

If you could change your first name what would you change it to?
I'd leave it the same. I'm named after Claude Shannon.

Does death scare you?
I've been dead, it's not a big deal. Just really boring.

Color of your ketchup?
I'm from Canada. Commie Red.

If you could have a dog what kind would you get?
I grew up with English Mastiffs, and miss them a great deal. If I wasn't so irresponsible, I'd have dogs now.

Do you sit on the toilet seat when you go poop?
What's the alternative? Bend over five feet away, push as hard as you can, and hope you hit your target?

Whats the most miles you've ever had on a car?
All from me? Not a lot. Maybe 15000km. I drive low mileage cars, and I tend to cycle through them pretty quickly.

Whats the farthest you have ever driven?
Dave and I drove to LA and back once in I think FOUR days of driving — that's around 10000km (about 6000 miles).

Whats the farthest you have ever been away from home?
Depends on where you decide home is. I think Switzerland is the farthest geographically.

Ever total a car?
No, the closest I got was smashing a Fury station wagon into an elevated diesel tank, taking out the tower and having it crunch the front of the car, soaking the vehicle in fuel. Luckily nothing ignited. I also had an engine-swapped RX7 burst into flames once while doing about 90mph in rush-hour traffic on the highway… oh, and my Manta once caught on fire too. But *I* have never totalled a car.

Fastest you have ever gone in a car?
My TT has an electronic limiter at 130mph (207kph)… So that's the fastest when *I* was at the wheel. I've driven on the autobahn in my uncle's Mercedes — we were going a bit faster, but not too much.

Can you drive stick?
I drive stick, fuck, I can even drive dual-stick tractors if you ask me to… It's not that hard!

Most annoying thing on iam?
The fact that some people would rather be assholes and fight instead of just enjoying themselves.

Do you buy weird stuff from eBay?
I have occasionally even sold weird stuff on eBay… and certainly have bought the occasional item but not for some time.

What was your first job?
I grew up in the country, so it was always stuff like haying, running combines, etc… But if you want a “real job” I guess it was baseball diamond liner.

Do you or have you ever played with legos?
If I hadn't, I'd have irresponsible parents (yes, I have).

Whats your homepage on your browser set to?
A custom page of bookmarks.

If you could bring an inanimate object to life what would it be?
Hmmm…. The Golem… Hmmmmmmmm….

Do you get dissapointed if your fart doesnt smell?
Yeah, you can tell who wrote this poll.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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