Ah ah ha ha ha

From: jilarious@yahoo.com
Subject: no subject


It is with great disgust that I contact you and tell you what a disgusting hideous abomination to GOd you and your friends are. It is so disgusting that anyone would commit such disgusting acts of self mutilation and torture. How can you just ruin your bodies like th is? Scarring and certainly many other consequences are associated with this crap...and for what cause? To ram a needle (a LARGE piece of metal compared to the relative size of cell structure) through your outermost layer of immune protection...through the dermal layers and then back out the other side...then replacing it with a piece of steel...what possesses someone to do this? (Other than the obvious, your lord and master Satan)

You and your culture certainly are insane...this is certain. It is unfortunate that you and your demonic friends have had to contaminate practically ever portion of the United States. Please do the world a favor-- kill yourselves.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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