POP drink MOV stomache, drink PUSH can

OK, I've decided the thing below (open submission galleries) is a bad idea… I'll do something like it in the future, but doing the gallery thing like that would work for the responsible members of IAM, but is just begging to be abused. It's one of those things I'll have to think about for a couple months to really implement right.

More Old Pictures

I want to emphasize old. Nothing like this can be found at my house nowadays. I vote marijuana party in the elections because I believe that legalization is simply the start of a much larger process. I'm not a pot smoker, and with brief exceptions, never really have been. I'm not straightedge either, and in fact, I think that modern straightedge is a closed minded concept that really misses the point. I agree that drugs are usually abused, but responsible use can be an important part of spiritual development. I just don't happen to be responsible, so I don't do them (unless you count caffeine and alcohol).

Well, back to coding for me…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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