Beer and Condiments

That's all that's in my fridge. You know why? Because I'm a good host. It is still officially a BYOB event, but I do have a little beer here. It seems like more than it is, honestly. I can't legally sell beer, but if you want some of mine, you MUST put a fair donation in the jar. You know what beer costs ($1.25 to $2.50 CDN depending on the kind), so make sure you cover what you drink.

Again, there is NOT ENOUGH HERE FOR EVERYONE. So do bring some if you can.

In my fridge: Asahi Super Dry, Black Sheep Ale, Cerveza Panama, Corona Extra, Crest Super, DAB, Dave's Massive Irish, Grower's McIntosh Apple Cider, Guarana Zoom, Guinness Draught, Hobgoblin, Kombuka Stinger, Magnat, Mott's Clamato Cesar, Niagara Apple Ale, Okacim, Red Baron, Rev2, Riggwelter, Saint Andre, Tetley's English Ale, Tsingato Beer, Vex Hard Lemonade, Waterloo Dark.

A couple notes: The Hobgoblin is Saira's. No drinking it. And the Kombuka is really cool — it's a lychee beer!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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