Of course I'm going to answer a poll that my girl invented!
IAM/Internet related
1. What messaging tools do you use? (IRC, AIM, ICQ, IAM.alive etc.) I use AIM to talk to a very select group of people. I talk a very non-select bulk of people via IAM.alive.
2. How did you first find out about IAM? (bme, spc, makeoutclub.com etc) I thought it up in the laundromat one day.
3. How many IAM people have you met? More than a hundred.
4. Do you use you reveal your real name online or ONLY use a handle? I have no problem using my real name.
Personal Info:
5. Do you catagorize yourself by what music you listen to or what foods you eat? The type of music/food I'm involved with I'm sure makes comments about me on some level, but I can't imagine it categorizes me or that there's any easy category that I could be fit into.
6. Are you satisfied with your self image? I'm kind of overweight. Other than that I have no real complaints.
6b. If no, do you feel you modify your body in an attempt to “fix” the things you're not happy with? If you mean are my mods an attempt to fix this, no. If you mean do I occasionally diet and excercise, yes. Not that it's very successful.
7. Are you single or in a relationship? In a relationship.
8. Does your significant other satisfy you mentally, physically or both? Definitely both.
9. Do you trust your partner with their Ex's? Sure, I just don't trust their ex's.
10. Do you believe in Love? With a capital L.
11. Did you lie (“pad” or “fluff”) your resume? I don't even have a resume, but if I did, it's not in need of padding.
12. What is your current line of work? For lack of a better term: Artist.
13. Are you happy? There's a road stretching over the horizon and I seem to be on it and moving quickly to the unknown country in a real nice car. So… Yes!
The rest of your life:
14. If you knew that you couldn't have children in 5+ years, would you have them now? Yes.
15. If you could make all of your dreams come true at the expense of the happiness of a loved one, would you? That's a paradox, considering the happiness of a loved one is part of my dreams.
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