Neuticles Funmail

Grr.. Got almost no sleep again — woken up about an hour ago by the postman (thanks cris). It was worth it though — got lots of amazing photos of Brazil from cris.

Check out this email I got… The weird thing is I've never written anything like this about neuticles — not even close… I sort of think it's some sort of bizarre spam, or maybe even a weird joke:

Subject: Your Providing VERY FALSE INFORMATION

your website indicates that Neuticles are unsafe and rejection rate is high. This is absolutely not true. Neuticles have been implanted in over 75,000 pets Worldwide and never a reported complication in over 6 years. Each Neuticled pet is insured by our company for $2 million and we even provide a lifetime satisfaction guarantee.

Please visit our website and get the facts straight on Neuticles- testicular implantation for pets. If you were in the US we would be sueing you silly right now for spreading such outlandish lies about our product.

Gregg Miller

Wow… If I was in the US right now I'd beat you silly for making such foolish claims about me. Here's the extent of what the glossary says about neuticles:

neuticle solid silicone artificial implants (brand name)
Neuticles are a well known brand of testicular prosthesis used widely in the veterinary industry.

Oooooh. Now that's offensive. The only other reference to neuticles on the entire site is in the implant FAQ and it's a passing one at best (“Silicone testicles — 'falsies', or brand name Neuticles — are sometimes used” “Neuticles are available through veterinary suppliers”). Yeah, good luck with the lawsuit!

Ouro Preto
from Cidades Historicas De Minas Gerais

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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