everybody knows my name

All the time people say to me, “oh, my friend Doodler McWang knows you”, or “yeah, my piercer Frodo at Steel Farts is a friend of yours” and stuff like that. It seems that an aweful lot more people know me and hang out with me than the other way around. Earlier today I got this message:

hey guess what? i was talking to my friend *** last night and we were talking about bme and he was like my frined ian the canadian is frineds with shannon. small world huh? we are from ct. just thought i would tell ya.

I thought that was kind of odd, because I don't really know many Ians, let alone Ians that pass between both countries. I thought it might have been my friend Iain from university, so I asked if it was (insert Iain's full name here). I got the following reply:

im not sure of his last name but he is from canada and i think lives here in ct. *** told me he was up in canada maybe last weekend or not too long ago and you guys hung out and drove the monster truck. i just think its interesting how someone always knows someone else. take care.

A lot of holes in that story! First, my truck has been in storage for the past month. Second, the only people that have ridden in my truck in the last few months are MiL0 and Caitbug. Certainly no guys… As far as my weekends, they've been spent with MiL0, and not some guy called Ian. Ha ha ha… Should I be amused or flattered or weirded out that pretending to know me is a status symbol?

Maybe it's just my memory! If it is, sorry I forgot you Ian! It might also be this Ian who I don't think has ever ridden in my Jeep, and I don't think I've seen in six months, but stories do change when they're passed along a chain, right?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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