My near death

AN ITEM BMESHOP WILL NOT SELL YOU… We have a lot of items that are reserved only for very special, very experienced clients, including items like this injectable general anesthetic. Don't ask me for it — if you don't know what you're doing with it, you'll be up on charges of murder.

First of all — another reason I hate UPS: They came by this morning, didn't bother to ring my doorbell, and left a note. So, I call up to just pick it up at the depot, and it turns out they don't even have one in the downtown core. I have to leave a note tonight explaining to the guy how the doorbell works I guess…

On to my near untimely death. I sleep in a loft bed, so I have a pair of mid-sized (but still very heavy) Paradigm speakers mounted on the walls. Overall my walls are solid, but they are quite old. I walked through the side doorway to the bedroom (a door I don't normally use)… I take one step forward and all of a sudden there's a HUGE crash and the speaker tears off the wall. If I'd been a few inches back my skull would be caved in right now… Luckily it is not. The speaker is still working fine. I think I'll just put it on top of my bookshelf this time!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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