
You know there's a problem when your diet shifts from something at least approaching complete, to something which consists largely of deli meat (hey, at least it's the good stuff — 20% meat protein), there might be a problem. Actually, I did have a cauliflower burrito today, so that's not tooooo bad. But, to be perfectly honest, I'm not very good at taking care of myself. I neither eat regularly, nor do I sleep regularly. Feel like helping out? Just click here. You have the power to edit that.

I still have at least five hours of work to do on BME tonight, let along work on other projects, and it's approaching midnight. Argh. If I go out later tonight I'll bring my camera and take a picture of that weird sculpture. Actually, maybe I'll do a 4AM sculpture tour of Toronto… That would be kind of fun.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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