
Well, they're all packed. It took longer than expected, but I'm kind of wired and fucked up feeling tonight, so that turned out for the best. They ship tomorrow. Those of you that I know here in the city, drop me an IM and either I'll drop them off to you or you can come and grab them.

Cities mailed to include (in no particular order): Fukuoka, Mississauga, Belo Horizonte, Toronto, Tel-Aviv, Coventry, Tweed, Lombard, Chicago, Florianpolis, Melvindale, Pickering, Santa Cruz, Kamloops, Brighton, Austin, Quakenbrck, Portland, Lakewood, Hollywood, Salt Rock, Phoenix, Rossville, Philadelphia, Glen Burnie, Minneapolis, Moscow, Ellenburg, Johnson City, New Albany, San Diego, and Cape Charles.

Yeah, I know they look like they were packed by a 13-year old girl, what with all the stamps and glittery stickers, but hey, isn't it more fun to get a package that looks like that?

Well, like I said I'm feeling a bit funny so I think I'm going to go down to the lake and sit on the pier for a while, drink some drugs, contemplate the water, and then come back and work until the sun rises.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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