Mouse House

My house is mouseinfested. In addition, it's infested with very clever mice that seem to express little to no interest in the traps I lay out for them.

However, some people have suggested that perhaps it's because I'm so messy that I'm stuffing them silly from my leftovers, leaving them with no motivation to risk their necks looting my traps. I believe that theory has more support given the events of this weekend.

I came home to find both my traps — set over two weeks ago — with mice in them. I guess without a benevolent deity scattering food over their land, they had to resort to danger. These traps aren't really very good though — they're supposed to be “easy to use”, but for some reason that just seems to mean “weak spring”. One mouse got crushed, but the second one was only barely caught. He was still alive, albeit with a very sore weiner.

Assuming he survives the humilation of being involuntarily penectomized (or at least having a good bout of CBT), he's out in the back yard playing with his fieldmice buddies.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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