BMEshop stuff.

First of all, the bags are there and in stock. We only have a few though, so if you're interested, you'd better click here right now.

As far as the shirts, the printer forgot to give us some of our order, so they'll be going into stock tomorrow morning. You should probably go to the T-Shirt page and put in a notification request though — we have lots of the Maori2 design, but the other ones are extremely limited. We're talking only a few in each size/color combo. The silver foil piercing ones are amazing… Actually, they're all great. Here is a teaser:

I'm uploading that monstrous update right now. So you'll have neato stuff to look at later today. Oh, and woo woo! I have company this weekend!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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