Effity eff eff

So it's not going to be long before I move into a one-room isolated cabin and spend the next twenty years sending credit card companies mail bombs. They're driving me insane. BME has incredibly low chargeback numbers and a very high repeat customer rate. Yet there's something that has made merchant issuer after merchant issuer either slack off and make it clear our business isn't wanted, or turn us down absolutely.

I've sent so many damn faxes, and sent so many bank statements and processing records that I'm starting to know all the information off by heart. I still have no good information to tell you, but hopefully I'll know something good tomorrow.

But there's not much else I can do today. I do know that if I hadn't taken that vacation, I'd have had a nervous breakdown from the stress. And seeing BMEshop doing so well is nice as well, and all the generous people here on IAM that have chipped in via PayPal donations have been a real lifesaver…

I'm starving, so I'm going to find something to make for supper (Tacos!), drink a couple more of my exotic beers, listen to the Father Yod records, and maybe start implementing a “word of the moment” feature for the cover page.


I should have just gone to Quebec with Saira and thrown bombs at the world bank thugs.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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